Kazufumi Usui
We have sponsored since the latter half of 2016 and have been wearing Kent’s shoes.
I have a very fit with my legs, I think cushion is also wonderful.
And I’d appreciate it for making a truly delicate adjustment a bad face.
Thanks to you, I am able to dance with all my strength with games and demonstrations.
In addition, as a result of having sponsored, when I asked a store in greeting,
I felt that the staff were proud of Kent’s shoes and loved it.
We were in the store for about 2 hours, but the customer constantly stayed in the meantime. . .
I was deeply impressed by the figure carefully dealing with each one of them.
Everyone please try going to the store once!
Thank you in the future.
Megumi Usui
The first priority in dancing my dance is “footwork”
I have particular attention to selecting shoes.
I think that footwork is that the foot works,
It is important how much you can use your feet in shoes, gently wrap your feet,
I believe that shoes with the freedom in the feet are the best shoes although there is a fit.
I chose Kent ‘s shoes to further evolve their dance.
There are various types and widths for Mr. Kent, so you should be sure to find the best shoes that suits you.
Please have a look at the shop and the competition booth at once and try it out.